302-323-4588 office@dape.org


Please be as specific as you can in describing the types of records, dates, parties to correspondence, subject matter, etc. The public body will make every reasonable effort to assist you in identifying the records being sought and may require you to examine the records at the office of the public body.  Costs may be involved in responding to your request. You can refer to the public body’s policy or regulations for more information about costs and access to your records.

Within 15 business days from receipt of your request, the public body must either provide you with access to the records, deny your request, or state that additional time is needed.

Note: Requests for voluminous records may be delayed.

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NOTICE : Under Delaware’s Freedom of Information Act, 29 Del. C. §§10001-10006 (“FOIA”), a FOIA request or petition, along with any information contained therein or any documents attached thereto, submitted to any “public body” subject to FOIA, including, without limitation, any board, bureau, commission, department, agency or committee of the State, may itself be deemed a “public record” subject to disclosure under FOIA. More information on FOIA is available at foia.delaware.gov .