302-323-4588 office@dape.org

File a Complaint

The DAPE Council, through its Law Enforcement /Ethics Committee, is responsible for investigating complaints received alleging a violation of Delaware’s licensing law and/or the engineering Code of Ethics. The Council has the authority to discipline its licensees.

Any identified member of the public or of the Association is encouraged to contact the DAPE office, either orally or in writing, regarding a complaint concerning any aspect of the practice of engineering.

The Law Enforcement/Ethics Committee will make reasonable efforts to maintain the anonymity of the complainant and of the person complained against while it investigates the allegation. However, if the complaint is found warranted, the name of the complainant and of the person complained against may become available under the Delaware Freedom of Information Act. 

For more information, see Section 2824 of Delaware’s Professional Engineers’ Act.

Please fill out the complaint form below providing specific information about the work performed, project location, problems encountered, any resolution attempts, and dated facts. It’s important to provide as much detail as possible; particularly anything that you believe will assist with the Committee’s investigation. DAPE is prohibited by law from investigating anonymous complaints so please make sure you fully fill out the form before submitting it. The Law Enforcement/Ethics Committee will send written acknowledgment to the complainant within one week of receiving the complaint.

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If you are unable or prefer to file an oral complaint please contact our office and a staff member will assist in completing the form on your behalf with the information you provide. The form will be returned to the complainant for review and approval prior to processing it.